I was thinking the other day about starting my new job this week. We have all had moments when we think “I can’t wait until…” You know what I’m talking about. Maybe it’s a concert for a band you love, a birthday party you’ve been anticipating for weeks, or your favorite holiday is coming up. When these things come up, we all tend to say “I can’t wait until that happens.” We wish our lives away, hours, days, weeks, or even months. When we were…Continue Reading “Smell the roses”

Too often, we find puzzles, news, and research that is unfortunately designed to be misleading. I mentioned months ago that I was going to start a blog, and my first post would be to explain how to solve a math problem. It was something I picked up when shared from David Wolfe and was supposed to be an order of operations problem. It seemed straightforward enough. Follow PEMDAS and you’ll get the answer, right? 6/2(1+2)= There is something inherently problematic in this. There are two…Continue Reading “It’s a Trap!”

“You? Who are you?” Many of us will remember this phrase in the Disney classic, Alice in Wonderland. Few questions in life are as deep as that. I am James. I am a husband. I am a father. I am an accountant. I am all of these things, but can they really define who I am? Do they capture the essence of what makes me who I am? Of course not. Everyone is unique. We are more than the labels that people attach to us….Continue Reading “Be you”

The title was a quick tribute to Dr. Horrible. If you don’t know who that is, check out his Sing-Along Blog! My name is James Hope. I live in the Charlotte area of North Carolina. My reasons for starting a blog are numerous, but I’ll go over a few of the biggest ones. It generally started with being unhappy in my work. Not my work exactly. I am a Certified Public Accountant, and I’ve emphasized my practice as an auditor. I love the work, honestly….Continue Reading “It’s a brand new day”